Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

    You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean,  climbed the really, r… more

  • Help me, help you

    Asking for help during a job search is a two-way street. You need to be specific about what you are looking for, and you need to make sure that the person you are requesting assistance from can actually help you. I’ve found that most people will help someone if they are able t… more

  • Revisiting “Using social media for background checks”

    Earlier in the summer at the IDGA HR for Defense Summit, a question was raised about HR professionals using social media for background checks. We brought this discussion to our blog Inside the Net and other social communities such as GovLoop. Many insightful comments were genera… more

  • Keywords Get Your Resume Noticed

    We've all heard that one of the most important things in real estate is location, location, location. The job search equivalent is keywords, keywords, keywords. Keywords are the nouns ("programmer") or noun phrases ("java programmer") that employers and recruiters use when searc… more

  • Time to hit refresh?

    Job search is often a longer process than we want. And our activities can become stale or ineffective. Now is a great time to look at your search and see if it is time to re-do or try something new.  Tip: Review your marketing materials with a friend Ask an executive you… more