Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • How to Hack Recruiting

    There is a lot of frustration on the cleared job seeker side of recruiting. It’s understandable that applicants get irritated when their resume goes into a black hole. Both sides of the table - recruiters and job seekers - will agree that communication and a connection are key … more

  • Managing Your Career and Job Search

    Presentation given at BSides Augusta. It’s important to know how the hiring process works. Every community is different and the hiring process will vary, but understanding certain elements will benefit your job search. We will address how to build a network, write a resume, … more

  • Does Your Resume Show You’ll Make a $10M Error

    Ever write an email and realize – almost as soon as you hit “send” - that you have a typo, grammatical error or other stumble? The embarrassment you feel is nothing compared to the despair most of us feel when we make similar stumbles on resumes, cover letters or other app… more

  • Here’s How to Start Your New Job On the Right Foot

    Congratulations!  You’ve landed that cleared job you wanted and your first day is approaching. You were smart about your job search and now you will need to put those same smarts into a strategy for being successful in the new role. From day one you will need to start build… more

  • So You Didn’t Get the Job, Now What

    You are not the only one who has lost out on a cleared job – honest. Of course the sting of rejection makes you feel as if you’re an outcast. Plenty of successful people were voted off their islands or never made it onto them – Madonna was fired from Dunkin’ Donuts. Je… more