Category Archives: Security Clearance

  • 6 Recommendations for Improving Security Clearance Management

    [caption id="attachment_4054" align="alignright" width="300"] Tim Clark, Government Executive, Charlie Allen, INSA, John Fitzpatrick, National Archives[/caption] On the whole we’ve slain the dragon of taking months, if not years, to process clearances on the front end. Anecdot… more

  • 2 Most Common Mistakes When Applying for a Security Clearance

    At the recent National Classification Management Society Annual Chapter Seminar Laura Hickman, DISCO Director, shared the two most common mistakes applicants make when applying for a security clearance. Most of these rejections come from employees of small cleared facilities empl… more

  • DOD’s Personnel Security Clearance Program Timelines Improve

    Yesterday the Government Accounting Office (GAO) announced that the Department of Defense's (DOD) Personnel Security Clearance Program has been removed from the GAO's list of programs facing significant management challenges. DOD processes the majority of all government-wide secu… more

  • Can a Home Foreclosure Affect Your Security Clearance

    Unfortunately there isn't a clear cut answer. As one official noted, "If it were black and white, we wouldn't need people to review the information." If you tried to do the right thing and are a victim of circumstance, you're in a much better position than someone who pursued a … more