Category Archives: Security Clearance

  • Can Financial Problems Impact Your Security Clearance

    For most people there is a clear separation of personal and professional decisions, as long as they do not adversely affect one’s ability to do their job. But for those who hold a security clearance, many more aspects of their personal decisions are going to be scrutinized… more

  • Lies and Security Clearances: How Could This Happen?

    Recently in the headlines, a story of a high-ranking government employee was found to have made exaggerated claims about her professional career. It seems that this person had “souped up” her credentials both inside and outside the federal government to obtain her positi… more

  • A Reform Plan to Improve the Security Clearance Mess

    On March 7, 2018 industry leaders from organizations that operate in the security cleared environment testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the problems with the current systems that have resulted in a backlog of over 700,000 cases. Six Steps to Security Clear… more

  • Security Clearances, 2016 in Review

    2016 generated numerous headlines for issues relating to news on policy changes concerning security clearance procedures impacting security clearance holders. Let’s recap 2016’s impact on security clearances and what you can expect in 2017. Social Media Accounts are Open t… more

  • Social Media Review for Security Clearance Holders

    The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced Friday that agencies may now include a social media review as part of the background investigation process for all security clearance holders. What exactly this process will entail, which agencies will implem… more