Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements

    Do you need to make some sense of LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements? Recently LinkedIn made several changes to profiles and profile features. Every job search should use multiple resources such as LinkedIn, networking, and job boards like ClearedJobs.Net, to research and levera… more

  • Happy 237th Birthday U.S. Marine Corps

    As a Marine-owned company ClearedJobs.Net is honored to salute the U.S. Marine Corps on its 237th birthday, Saturday, November 10, 2012. Marine Corps Founding Captain Samuel Nicholas formed two battalions of Continental Marines on November 10, 1775, as directed by a resolut… more

  • Undefeated 2-Day Bike Ride for Wounded EOD Technicians

    For the fourth consecutive year ClearedJobs.Net is sponsoring the Undefeated Two Day Bike Ride, Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7. The ride covers nearly 200-miles of scenic Southern California coastline. Last year’s ride raised nearly $220,000. This year’s goal is… more

  • Is Social Anthropology the New Intel Career Path

    The current unrest in the Middle East is an example of the changing landscape for the Intel community and the evolution of skill sets and analytical needs for the future. At yesterday’s discussion on Evolving Priorities and Threats for the U.S. Intelligence Community, Drs. S… more

  • IT Certifications for Cleared Professionals

    "There's no such thing as an unemployed CCIE. If you have that certification your career is set for life," confidently states Technical Recruiter Doug Munro. CCIE is "Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert" to the uninitiated. CCIE is the highest level of professional certification… more