Search Results for: network

  • Media and the Intelligence Community, AFCEA EPIC Series

    Though the panel and topic were picked months ago, the AFCEA Emerging Professionals in the Intelligence Community (EPIC) session on the “Media and the Intelligence Community” was timely. The event was hosted at Altamira Technologies and sponsored by Microsoft, featuring a … more

  • Five Military Transition Questions with Engility’s Mike Snodgrass

    Mike, tell us about yourself  I joined the Air Force in 1978 after graduating from the Air Force Academy. I flew F-4s, F-16s, F-15s, C-130s and more. It was mostly a storybook career mix of operational and staff assignments at all levels. After 33 years I decided it was time … more

  • How Do I Follow Up After a Job Interview

    First things first. Did you check your network before the interview to see who can provide information and help you? LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. Word of mouth. If you didn't do it before the interview, do it now. If you have a good connection try to get an employee referra… more

  • We Wanted to Help Your Job Search but You Blew It

    Recently I was at a meeting with military folks transitioning to the civilian work world. Several asked for my card. Not one has contacted me in the weeks since. An old friend has been looking for work for a year. Many people who know him ask me about his progress. And then sa… more

  • Target Employers for an Effective Job Search

    Successful job seekers are proactive and target the organizations where they want to work. It’s fine to be opportunistic as well and open to a good job that comes your way. But you need a strategic approach to your job search that includes targeting the employers you think are… more