Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Cybersecurity and Veterans

    We sat down with Nadia Short, Vice President and General Manager, Cyber and Intelligence Solutions, General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems to discuss cybersecurity and the role of military personnel in getting the job done for their customers. How would you describe cyb… more

  • How Missing SF86 Information Affects Your Security Clearance Eligibility

    Too often applicants do not take the completion of the SF86 Questionnaire seriously enough, resulting in detrimental effects later on. Specifically agencies look to the SF86 to determine if you are completely honest about issues and incidents in your background. If you omit requi… more

  • One Woman’s Journey from Clerical Worker to Cyber Warrior

    There are many interesting paths and stories leading to a career in cybersecurity. In this article Jen Havermann, Raytheon Portfolio Manager Cyber Intelligence & Analysis Programs, shares her tale. Her hands smeared with typewriter ribbon ink and smudged with carbon copy pap… more

  • Tapping the Veteran IT Talent Pool

    The hiring process can be painful for both organizations seeking talent and individual job seekers. Gaps in common skills and language are typically cited as reasons for veteran hiring initiatives. It’s also agreed by most experts that of the military skill set, Information Tec… more

  • How Cybersecurity Training Helped 4 Cleared Professionals

    As we shared in how an IT professional can transition to a cybersecurity career, free or low-cost cybersecurity training is available in the metro DC area for cleared professionals with some IT experience. Here are four real-world examples from cleared professionals who succes… more