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Nine Cardinal Rules of Interviewing
Hundreds, and probably thousands of rules, guidelines, and guides have been written about how to interview. Some are more helpful than others. However ignoring the Rules of Interviewing listed below can ruin your chance of getting a cleared job! Rule # 1 Never answer a questio… more
Candidate Experience: Which Candidate
Thanks to several programs and general awareness a focus in recruiting now is the candidate experience. While this is all good, we have to remember that not all candidates are created equal. In the candidate experience the focus has been placed on when the candidate enters the… more
How Military Transition is Like Cooking
What’s the very best meal you could make right now using nothing but the items currently found in your kitchen? Could you pull off a four course meal? Whip up a deep dish lasagna? Soup and sandwich? OK, maybe just soup? [caption id="attachment_10894" align="alignright" width… more
Matt Devost at DEFCON
Matt Devost, President and CEO at FusionX, sat down last week with Ivy Thomas to discuss his insights on cyber, DEFCON and more. Ivy Thomas How long have you been attending DEFCON? Matt Devost That's a good question. I don't know the exact year I started. 16 or 17 years or … more
DEFCON 22 Insider’s Report
DEFCON is the world's longest running and largest underground hacking conference, held annually in Las Vegas. We asked DEFCON veteran Ivy Thomas to share her experiences with us. At DEFCON it’s hard to get any sleep. It’s hard to get everything done. You’ll want to, bu… more