Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Intelligence Community Mentoring Event

    Network with over 20 experienced intel community professionals at the INSA Intelligence Champions Council Speed Mentoring event March 25, 5:30pm, at the Key Bridge Marriott. “If you’re a young professional seeking to enter the intel community or further your intel career, … more

  • INSA Security Clearance Reform Recommendations

    Since 1947 the average spy began committing espionage after 12 years of service. That highlights why periodic reinvestigations (PR) are critically important. The influential Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) has released the Security Reform Policy Council whit… more

  • Career Development Tools If You’ve Lost Your Olympic Fever for Recruiting

    The Olympics are over. Or did you even know they were on? I remember growing up watching Nadia Comaneci reach the perfect 10, Mark Spitz setting records for swimming and watching the swoosh of Dorothy Hamill’s hair. We looked to these idols, not only in sports, but in every … more

  • Net – Work – Ing

    Networking. It’s important to job search the same way planting seeds in the spring time is important to someone hoping for vegetables in the fall. Like gardening, it can be harder than it looks. Once you know how to plant the seeds, however, it makes perfect sense and becomes e… more

  • Getting the Most from a Professional Conference

    I love going to conferences! I’ve added two certifications, gotten a job, provided valuable knowledge and expertise to projects and made some life-long professional colleagues and mentors from attending professional conferences. I’ve also wasted time, money and energy at a fe… more