Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Volunteering as Part of Your Job Search Strategy

    Several experts, including our own Patra Frame, share that volunteering is important in a job search. That’s particularly true if you’re unemployed. Volunteering is networking. It’s good for you, good for the organization and often helpful to your job search. Like any en… more

  • Increase Your Value When You’re Between Jobs

    "Job search is not a full work week. If it is you're wasting a lot of time," shares Patra Frame. Provocative? For those of you between jobs, this is a must-see video. What should you do? Update your existing skills. Learn new skills via free webinars or OneStop … more

  • New State Marijuana Laws and Your Security Clearance

    Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Use In May 2013, Colorado passed laws regulating and taxing the recreational use of marijuana by adults age twenty-one and older.  Once retail stores start selling marijuana openly, Colorado residents age 21 and older can: Purchase u… more

  • Seven LinkedIn First-Time User Mistakes

    Recruiters are just as discriminating when reviewing LinkedIn profiles as they are when they review resumes. Those using LinkedIn for the first time can be in a rush, make minor or major mistakes, and don’t realize they have set themselves up for failure. Here are a few mistak… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Debbie Cantin, Charles F. Day & Associates

    Debbie, Tell us about yourself I have been with the company for almost four years in December. I am an Air Force Veteran so I understand the challenges individuals face transitioning from the military to the private sector.  I started with Charles F. Day & Associates, LLC… more