Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Karen Ryan, Syntelligent

    Karen, tell us about you and Syntelligent I joined the Syntelligent team in June 2013. I’ve known the President, Stephen Synnott for several years and was very impressed with his professionalism, his Air Force and Intelligence experience, and his vision for his company.  He… more

  • Sexual Behavior and Your Security Clearance

    How questionable sexual behavior may be discovered You probably expect that issues involving your credit, foreign influence or drug use will have a negative impact on your ability to be granted a security clearance. One issue that is not specifically referenced in the SF86 Que… more

  • What a Recruiter Needs Upfront to Verify Your Security Clearance

    Should I give my security clearance information to a recruiter when they ask for it over the phone? As a recruiter I frequently ask job seekers for this information. I need to know you have a security clearance before you come in for an interview. That means I need your ful… more

  • You’ve Lost Your Job, What’s Next

    Nothing is scarier than walking out the door of the company that just laid you off – or terminated you for cause – and not knowing what your next step is going to be or how to tell the family. Only fools never plan for contingencies, but even a wise person may not know how or… more

  • Selling Yourself as a Job Seeker

    How you present yourself is critical in a job search. Materials Typically the first point of contact you’ll have with a potential employer is through materials such as your resume, email, cover letters, etc. Make sure these materials are clear, focused, truthful conten… more