Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • GAO Report on Personnel Security Clearances

    The General Accounting Office (GAO) Report on Personnel Security Clearances released last Thursday does lots of finger pointing. The bad guys are the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This is a very high-level report so it’… more

  • Nine Things Not to Have on Your Resume and Nine Alternatives

    Many job seekers put too much information on their resume. Unfortunately this extra information may hinder their job search efforts. Recruiters look for hard facts on a resume. The warm, fuzzy, "Tell us more about you.” comes later in an interview. Here are some tips on how … more

  • Five Military Transition Questions with Engility’s Mike Snodgrass

    Mike, tell us about yourself  I joined the Air Force in 1978 after graduating from the Air Force Academy. I flew F-4s, F-16s, F-15s, C-130s and more. It was mostly a storybook career mix of operational and staff assignments at all levels. After 33 years I decided it was time … more

  • Happy 238th Birthday U.S. Army

    Check out our tribute to the U.S. Army below. For detailed information on the birth of the Army, click here. Our thanks to all Army vets and serving members! Google+ … more

  • How Do I Follow Up After a Job Interview

    First things first. Did you check your network before the interview to see who can provide information and help you? LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. Word of mouth. If you didn't do it before the interview, do it now. If you have a good connection try to get an employee referra… more