Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Time to hit refresh?

    Job search is often a longer process than we want. And our activities can become stale or ineffective. Now is a great time to look at your search and see if it is time to re-do or try something new.  Tip: Review your marketing materials with a friend Ask an executive you… more

  • Your resume deserves more than spell check.

    Misspellings are the bane of everyone's existence. No matter how many times you read and re-read your resume, your mind will see what it wants to see rather than what is on the paper or computer screen in front of you. That's why it's good to have someone else proofread your resu… more

  • Cyber Security and Telework, Training and Trust

    Those were two of the themes discussed at last week's YAFCEA Bethesda Senior Government Executive Dinner by Jack Holt, Sr. Strategist for Emerging Media with the Department of Defense. Each table was hosted by a senior government executive, and we were lucky enough to have Jack.… more

  • Should recruiters use social media for background checks?

    A recruiter is trying to fill a job requisition and thinks she has found the perfect candidate. The recruiter is ready to make the job offer but decides to check some social media sites as a further background check on the applicant. On Facebook the candidate has posted that he o… more

  • 3 Tips for Job Search Success

    Tip # 3:  Prepare your References! Figure out your references and get them briefed early in your job search. You should ask those past bosses, project managers, clients or users whose knowledge of your achievements will help you soar past other applicants to become your ref… more