Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
Four Steps to Job Interview Preparation
Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless -- not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity… more
Can a Home Foreclosure Affect Your Security Clearance
Unfortunately there isn't a clear cut answer. As one official noted, "If it were black and white, we wouldn't need people to review the information." If you tried to do the right thing and are a victim of circumstance, you're in a much better position than someone who pursued a … more
Cyber Security. It’s Up to You.
It seems we hear something on a daily basis about cyber security. But through all the noise are you paying attention? Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and targeted, and the most effective deterrent in your personal cyber security arsenal is you. We attended The Bu… more
Is “Hotsugarmama” an appropriate job search email address?
Believe it or not a job seeker really used this email address. Or "Noviagra." A job seeker looking for a VP level HR position used this email address. Needless to say neither applicant made it past the initial screening process. Just as you wouldn't wear a t-shirt and s… more
Five job search time wasters
Are you losing focus in your job search? Finding the days disappearing into an online haze? Here are some common time wasters you should avoid: 1. Applying for every job, no matter how far fetched. It's so easy now to apply online for jobs that you may be tempted to apply for pos… more