Search Results for: networking

  • Keep Networking for a Successful Career

    Networking can be a scary word for some job seekers. It sounds much more accessible and friendly when you think of networking simply as human connection. You need to keep that human connection going throughout your career. Networking is not just important in landing a job. I… more

  • The Afterlife in Social Networking

    Every month I have the honor of presenting How to Use the Internet and Social Media in Your Job Search, to a group of very dedicated government professionals who are transitioning. While we present this class to many groups each month, this group is the most challenging due to th… more

  • Large Company External Hires Come From Networking and Job Boards

    CareerXroads has released their 10th annual Source of Hire study. The study surveys large companies to see where they find their new employees. The Source of Hire study covers 36 large U.S. companies with over 1.3 million employees. These companies hired over 130,000 job seeker… more

  • Military Transition: What’s Networking

    ClearedJobs.Net HR Strategist Patra Frame talks about the importance of networking, how to build your network and the challenges facing those transitioning from the military to the civilian world. … more

  • Launches … Good Place for Cleared Job Seekers to Learn About Upcoming Networking Opportunities

    GovEvents has just launched a portal for government-related events. The site provides in-depth information on a wide variety of events, from major industry tradeshows, to government conferences, to agency-sponsored roundtables, and webcasts.  GovEvents helps federal, state … more