Search Results for: networking

  • Salary Planning for Transitioning Military

    Civilian compensation is very different from military pay and benefits. Thus it is important that you learn what to expect in your chosen field. Many transitioning military assume civilian pay is always higher, but that day is long gone. What do you want? Your chosen field… more

  • The Worst Mistake in a Job Search

    At the most recent Cleared Job Fair, Patra Frame reviewed job seekers’ resumes. Patra shared one issue that challenged many of the job seekers she spoke with: How do you write a resume when you don’t really know what you want to do? You may have great skills. But do you kno… more

  • Big Changes: Government or Military Transitioning to Civilian Work

    If you have spent a long career in the military or government, the change to the civilian world is often even larger than you expect. Week after week I see people who were accomplished pilots, program managers, XO’s, SMEs, -- and who are truly floundering. Many have unrealis… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GSES

    [caption id="attachment_4358" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Bill Lewis"][/caption] From time to time we bring you Q/A sessions with recruiters, who provide insights on their company, its hiring practices and job search tips. Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GS&E… more

  • Job Search Elevator Speech

    How’s your elevator speech? Engaging and concise, or rambling and boring? Watch the following video from Patra Frame for tips on polishing and improving how you introduce yourself to potential employers and others who may aid in your job search. Key points to remember: T… more