Search Results for: networking

  • Do You Listen When You Network?

    Do You Listen? "No man ever listened himself out of a job." - Calvin Coolidge At a recent networking event I met several job seekers who were very interested in talking about career opportunities. I noticed most of them were not listening. All wanted to share their skills, prof… more

  • Marketing Yourself in a Tricky Job Environment

    The skills you need to successfully market yourself are similar whether you're seeking a job in government or in private industry. That's the gist of a recent webinar I did for GovLoop on marketing yourself in a tough job environment. And the key word is job seekers need to marke… more

  • Job Search Without a College Degree

    Many enlisted military and retiring federal workers who do not have a bachelors degree face a surprise in the civilian job world - the demand for a degree for jobs that they have held.  Many federal contracts demand a degree for such jobs when contracted out. Some still … more

  • April 7 Cleared Job Fair Job Seeker Story

    We caught up with job seeker Dale Brandt at yesterday's Cleared Job Fair in Springfield, VA. Dale was a Cleared Job Fair attendee several years ago. Now that he's back in the job market Dale has returned to visit with us.  Dale is seeking a position in hard-core science. He … more

  • Five job search time wasters

    Are you losing focus in your job search? Finding the days disappearing into an online haze? Here are some common time wasters you should avoid: 1. Applying for every job, no matter how far fetched. It's so easy now to apply online for jobs that you may be tempted to apply for pos… more