Search Results for: networking

  • Five job search time wasters

    Are you losing focus in your job search? Finding the days disappearing into an online haze? Here are some common time wasters you should avoid: 1. Applying for every job, no matter how far fetched. It's so easy now to apply online for jobs that you may be tempted to apply for pos… more

  • Five New Year’s resolutions for job seekers

    Since many of us take this time to reflect on the year past and the year ahead of us, let's do so in the context of your job search. We're not going to guilt you into making promises you can't keep, so let's keep our list of resolutions to five manageable items that will help you… more

  • Four reasons not to stop your job search during the holidays

    A lot of job seekers assume that the holidays stretching from Thanksgiving until after the New Year are a time to put their job search on hold. If you tell yourself no employers hire over the holidays, no employers interview during December, everyone is physically (or mentally) o… more

  • Military transition: Career choices

    So there you are, trying to figure out what jobs in the civilian world will be worthwhile. And here I am, regularly talking success stories and research.... With all the potential careers available, how do you start to choose? First steps are to think about what your knowledge… more

  • Military transition: Your strengths matter

    Whether you are transitioning military to civilian after a short time or a full career, there are resources available to help you make this move. Sure the quality of transition resources varies. But I am still surprised at how many miltary folks don't really use most of what is … more