Tag Archives: career strategy

  • Decide This Before Writing Your Resume

    Before you write a resume decide - what type of work are you seeking? A resume is a ‘hook’ to capture an employer’s attention. It has to be focused on both what a specific type of job requires and what an employer requires. Then you take your past achievements and succes… more

  • Difficult Interview Questions

    Take a look at career articles and the topic of "questions everyone hates" comes up regularly. So, of course, you can learn a lot about how to answer many difficult questions with a fast search. Here are some which I get asked about regularly at job fairs and seminars. Quest… more

  • Developing a Career Strategy

    Patra Frame encourages you to be more formal and organized with your career plan by putting pen to paper. Or fingertips to keys if you prefer. “People who have a written plan for their careers tend to be considerably more successful,” says Patra. Write your goals down. The… more

  • Gimme the $$$ Part 1 – Salary Basics

    While you have seen the advice to put off salary discussions as long as possible in discussing a potential job you need to learn about salary ranges and what is realistic early in your job search.  Your knowledge, experience, and the value you demonstrate you offer are… more

  • Now what? Career transitions made simple

    At many of the seminars I give I see people who are facing a career change and they are not at all sure how to manage it. Whether you are transitioning from the military or federal service, looking for new opportunities after years in one area, or just need a change, your new o… more