Tag Archives: Resume

  • Focus on Leadership Capabilities for a Career Change

    Are you describing yourself as a Director, Manager, Supervisor, or a Team Lead on your cleared resume? It doesn’t matter if you are a help desk team lead supervising other support colleagues, or a project manager who manages cross-functional colleagues. Showcasing your ability … more

  • If You Think You May Lose Your Job

    No one wants to admit they are going to be terminated or laid off. But in the defense and intel contracting community, it certainly isn’t unusual. Contracts end. Budgets are cut. Still, it’s a blow to the ego. We all want to believe we’re irreplaceable. After all, many o… more

  • What You Were Reading on ClearedJobs.Net in 2016

    This year has been memorable for many reasons and we’re going to start the ball rolling on those Top Ten Lists by recapping our most popular articles for 2016. From certifications to salary negotiations to skills in demand, these stories will help the cleared job seeker fine tu… more

  • How to Really Start Writing a Resume

    I am often asked for resume writer recommendations. Many HR pros get this question. Often there is a hope for a magic pill here. A wonderful resume with little work and at low cost. But even those who understand what information is needed are surprised by the questions a good res… more

  • Job Search Management, Getting Organized

    Invest the time up front to get organized. It will speed up your job search in the long run. Just beginning? For those of you planning to begin a job search in the new year, and thinking you have to wait until January to begin work on your search, doing the things described in… more