Tag Archives: social media
Revisiting “Using social media for background checks”
Earlier in the summer at the IDGA HR for Defense Summit, a question was raised about HR professionals using social media for background checks. We brought this discussion to our blog Inside the Net and other social communities such as GovLoop. Many insightful comments were genera… more
Social Media Is Not A Silver Bullet
Should we do social recruiting in the cleared community The presentation above, which was shared at meeting our last week with key members of Booz Allen & Hamilton, inspired the following blog post: Anywhere you look these days, your inbox, newsletters websites companies are… more
Digital Detective Work: Survey Shows Most Employers Search Online for Information About Potential Creative Hires
A polished resume and portfolio aren't the only tools professionals need to land their next job. A new survey shows a sterling digital presence is important, too. Important note: We want to point out that this recent survey was specifically done for the advertising and marketing… more
Big Ideas, Big Action
Big Ideas, Big Action brought together a great cross section of technos, non-profits, big thinkers, small companies, corporations and social media gurus to talk about how do you come up with the ideas and more importantly how do you implement these. We were all brought together t… more
“Ask Patra!” Column … Edition #002
Each week, Patra Frame, a frequent presenter at the Cleared Job Fairs will answer a job seekers question. These are questions that are either asked at the Cleared Job Fairs or sent into Patra. The questions can range from job searching, interviewing, or career strategy. This week… more