Tag Archives: social media

  • How to Sharpen Your Job Search

    Been hunting for a new job for awhile? Or thinking of starting a job search? Summer is a great time to ‘sharpen your saw’ to quote an old proverb. Too many people just update an old resume, tell all their friends that they need a new job, and look at ads online. Not the be… more

  • How Does a Recruiter Use Social Media to Vet Job Seekers

    Veteran technical recruiter Doug Munro shares how he uses social media to vet cleared job seekers. Doug uses LinkedIn to find a more robust picture of a job seeker’s experience and abilities vs. what is found on a resume. And he relates the sage advice we all know now –… more

  • Social Media Recruiting in the Defense Sector

    The buzz concerning social media for promoting an employment brand and recruiting has reached a fever pitch. What was once thought not possible, namely access to social media sites at many companies and agencies, is now possible. Recently, Market Connections released their sur… more

  • Social Media for the Security Cleared Job Seeker, Twitter

    Social media is now a common means of communicating, doing business and supporting career search and development. But as with everything there is a huge divide between those who adopted technology early and most of the rest of us. I was reminded on a recent family visit that the… more

  • Revisiting “Using social media for background checks”

    Earlier in the summer at the IDGA HR for Defense Summit, a question was raised about HR professionals using social media for background checks. We brought this discussion to our blog Inside the Net and other social communities such as GovLoop. Many insightful comments were genera… more