Tag Archives: veterans

  • Veterans Transition Easily to Project Management

    With nearly 600 jobs in the field of project management currently available on ClearedJobs.Net, we contacted Eric Wright, Co-Founder and CEO of Vets2PM to explore how transitioning service members can prepare themselves for project management positions. Why are veterans a natu… more

  • Memorial Day 2015

    Even with the United States combat operations in South West Asia and the Middle East now officially concluded, news headlines of violent struggles around the globe continue on a weekly basis. The world political stage is an uncertain one at best, and because of this, many of our … more

  • Innove’s Brad Morrison on the Internet of Things, Cybersecurity and Veterans

    Brad Morrison is the CEO and Founder of Innové. Innové designs, builds and manages secure networks for government, telecommunications & commercial clients based in the San Antonio, TX, and Washington DC, areas. What is Cybersecurity I grew up in the network security … more

  • Veterans, Cyber, San Antonio with Denim Group’s Joe Krull

    An interview with Joe Krull, Director of Denim Group in San Antonio. Read the first part of Joe's interview Veterans are both Uniquely Qualified and Completely Unprepared for Civilian Cybersecurity Careers. How is San Antonio Uniquely Qualified to be Cyber City USA Three re… more

  • Veterans are Both Uniquely Qualified and Completely Unprepared for Civilian Cybersecurity Careers

    An interview with Joe Krull, Director of the Denim Group in San Antonio. What is Cybersecurity I hate the term cybersecurity. The term was first used I think I read somewhere in 1994. It was used by someone who was trying to make the term broader than it was. I will never … more