The 10 Most Read Articles of 2022

As we count down to the new year, we’re taking a look back at our most-read articles of 2022. Security clearance topics garnered the most interest, as is often the case. Do any of these articles grab your attention?
10. What You Need to Know About Continuous Monitoring and Self Reporting
As continuous monitoring is implemented, security clearance holders need to be pro-active in self-reporting any issues that may impact their security clearance. Most commonly these are financial or criminal conduct issues. Find out more on when and how to self report.
9. Can I Blame My Spouse for My Financial Problems – Security Clearance Case Spotlight
What if your spouse told you they filed your federal tax return…but they didn’t? Read how this real-world example ended up.
8. Will Outside Activities Lead to a Security Clearance Review
This is an interesting discussion of a number of ways that clearance holders run afoul of clearance guidelines, including the rarely invoked Guideline L Outside Activities.
7. Check Your Resume for These Do’s and Don’ts
Just say no to these resume don’ts, and yes to these hot tips that grab a recruiter’s attention.
6. Will Aiding or Fighting for Ukraine Impact My Security Clearance
Wanting to help in Ukraine? If you’re giving money or other aid, make sure you know who you’re giving it to.
5. Security Clearances: DUIs to One Night Stands with Russian Nationals
The title says it all. Cleared professionals if you find yourself in one of these situations, here are the steps you should take.
4. New Foreign Travel Reporting Requirements for Clearance Holders
All security clearance holders are now required to report international travel plans prior to leaving the country. Check out the details on how to navigate these new requirements.
3. Improve Your Resume by Avoiding These 3 Turn Offs
When interviewing and applying for jobs you have limited interactions with employers, so be sure your job search materials represent you well. Don’t make these wrong impressions with potential employers.
2. How the Cancellation of $6 Billion in Student Loan Debt will Impact Your Security Clearance
A recent preliminary settlement in a predatory lending class action student loan lawsuit may help clearance holders with student loan debt, even if they are not part of the lawsuit.
1. Can My Mental Health Disqualify Me from Holding a Security Clearance
How does your mental health get on the government’s radar? Mental health issues are one of the more contested security clearance guidelines as they have risen to the forefront of medical and personal health conversations in recent years.
That’s it for this year, and we look forward to bringing you more relevant content in 2023. If you have subjects you would like us to cover next year, please email Ashley at [email protected] with your suggestions. We’d love your input!
This entry was posted on Monday, December 12, 2022 7:52 pm