Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • 9 Interviewing Mistakes Security Cleared Job Seekers Should Avoid

    You've been called in for an interview. As you know, first impressions are critical. The people you interview with will unknowingly make judgments about you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. Those impressions may be based on how you shake hands or how you're dressed, am… more

  • How to Talk About Employment Gaps

    If you’ve been out of work for awhile, whether it’s due to caregiving for a sick relative, raising children, or difficulty finding a job, how do you present that issue to a prospective employer? This is not an uncommon experience, so don’t think that you’re the only job s… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GSES

    [caption id="attachment_4358" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Bill Lewis"][/caption] From time to time we bring you Q/A sessions with recruiters, who provide insights on their company, its hiring practices and job search tips. Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GS&E… more

  • Job Search Elevator Speech

    How’s your elevator speech? Engaging and concise, or rambling and boring? Watch the following video from Patra Frame for tips on polishing and improving how you introduce yourself to potential employers and others who may aid in your job search. Key points to remember: T… more

  • Top 10 Reasons DISCO and OPM Reject Security Clearance Requests

    Check out this just released list of top 10 reasons that security clearance requests are rejected. You may have thought drug use or credit issues were to blame, but it's not nearly as juicy as that. It's mundane simple mistakes, such as missing information, lack of fingerprint ca… more