Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
Job Search: Stumbling Blocks and Feedback
Job search is a difficult process for most of us. Applications disappear into black holes, a great opportunity looms but you cannot get a response, an interview goes well but months later a rejection letter arrives. In recent years these problems and many others have been aggrava… more
The Afterlife in Social Networking
Every month I have the honor of presenting How to Use the Internet and Social Media in Your Job Search, to a group of very dedicated government professionals who are transitioning. While we present this class to many groups each month, this group is the most challenging due to th… more
Military Transition: Military Resume Tricks Rant
I recently have begun hearing again that some employment counselors are telling transitioning military folks to omit their military service information and/or titles. Instead they suggest one use words like "major international organization vice-president." This was a sad tre… more
Job Search Without a College Degree
Many enlisted military and retiring federal workers who do not have a bachelors degree face a surprise in the civilian job world - the demand for a degree for jobs that they have held. Many federal contracts demand a degree for such jobs when contracted out. Some still … more
More Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search
A major aspect of your interviews is to gain enough information so you can make a good assessment of the opportunity. In the first part of this Interviewing blog post, 3 Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search, we talked about preparing for the interview so that you know about the … more