Search Results for: resume
I’ve Got A Job Offer, Do I Shout it From the Rooftops
You've landed your new position - you have an offer in hand! You want to tell absolutely everybody. But should you? Chances are, if you have been looking for a job in today's still tough employment market, you have been working really hard at your cleared job search. When you … more
Social Media, Creative Questions Key to Recruiting Top Talent
Empower candidates and offer them the best recruitment experience possible by identifying them through social media networks and then employing creative interview questions to unearth their top wants and needs. That was the message Atlanta-based Brian Fink, senior technical so… more
If It’s Been Awhile Since You Worked
If it’s been several months since you were last gainfully employed, you may be losing momentum. Even with a low unemployment rate and a decreasing number of cleared professionals, there are skill sets that are less in demand, and that may have more supply than the market needs.… more
Tips for Hiring and Retaining Veterans
In the cleared community it’s known that recruiting veterans is a win-win for both companies and transitioning military personnel, but building a solid program does offer challenges. Every business will have a unique environment, but there are general guidelines that can be app… more
You’ve Got the Job, Now What? 10 Tips for Staying Marketable
Congratulations! You have landed your new cleared job. Maybe you set a goal at the beginning of the year to find a new job, and it took a while, but you did it. Maybe you decided mid-year that you wanted a new job, and you just landed a new opportunity. Or, maybe you have been… more