Tag Archives: Job search

  • Delivering an Effective Presentation

    Some job seekers are asked to make a presentation as a part of their interview process. If they deliver an effective presentation to the interview team, they’ll likely move on to the next step of the interview process. If they deliver a great presentation they may find themselv… more

  • You Flubbed the Interview, Here’s How To Recover

    You polished your resume, donned your best outfit and arrived at the interview exactly on time – and then you said absolutely the wrong thing. You flubbed an answer. You used an inappropriate example. You forgot a basic fact. You bombed. You put your foot in it. You leave, p… more

  • How One Company Views Salary and Compensation Negotiations

    Last month ClearedJobs.Net polled recruiting professionals asking them to identify the areas of the hiring process that pose the most difficulty for cleared jobs seekers. Their top response: Salary expectations. Making this such a tough issue for job seekers is the unique envi… more

  • Preparing Your Network for the Change of a Job Search

    You’ve heard the expression “It takes a village.” This old and familiar expression applies to many things in life, and your job search is no exception. Who’s in your village When it comes to thinking about the village of people who will be involved in your job searc… more

  • Do Something – Anything – to Enhance Your Career in 2017

    Many of us start the new year with grand resolve. Few sustain our resolutions beyond January. If you want to invest in your largest financial asset, you will put your career high on your resolutions list. And you really will work to sustain your career resolutions over the year. … more