Tag Archives: Job search

  • So You Didn’t Get the Job, Now What

    You are not the only one who has lost out on a cleared job – honest. Of course the sting of rejection makes you feel as if you’re an outcast. Plenty of successful people were voted off their islands or never made it onto them – Madonna was fired from Dunkin’ Donuts. Je… more

  • How to Cancel or Reschedule an Interview

    There is nothing worse for a hiring manager than carving time out of the day to sit with a cleared job seeker who is clearly going through the motions. That is unless it’s waiting as the clock ticks well past the scheduled time of the interview, with no candidate in sight. I… more

  • Get Ready Now for Better Fall Job Search Results

    Autumn is one of the most active times of the hiring year. Companies, resuming their normal hiring activity following the slower pace of summer, now focus on meeting the staffing needs of programs and projects beginning concurrent with the government’s new fiscal year, for work… more

  • How a Thank You Can Lead to a Job Offer

    Yes, interviews are much more informal than they were even 10 years ago, but some things remain musts, including follow-up thank yous. That doesn’t mean a hastily written email or a quick “thanks” on the way out the door but rather a proper note on quality stationery or … more

  • Are You Throwing Away Your Power in Job Search?

    Far too many people engaged in seeking a new position give up their power. Some of this is mental - fear of unemployment or a job loss leads them to feel the employer has all the power in the process. But often, people throw away their own power without even realizing it. Here ar… more