Tag Archives: Networking

  • Job Seeker Tips if You’ve Been Unemployed Over 4 Months

    If you’ve been searching for a new position with little or no success -- sending out resumes, filling out applications,  networking -- it’s easy to become discouraged, deflated, and defeated. However, I have worked with a number of clients who experienced long-term unempl… more

  • Three Ways to Avoid Employment Gaps on Your Resume

    You’ve just lost your job. How do you keep active and involved while you're seeking employment, and make your time without a job work to your advantage? Nothing is more worrisome than being out of work and dreading the bills coming in the mail that you can’t afford to pay. S… more

  • You’ve Lost Your Job, What’s Next

    Nothing is scarier than walking out the door of the company that just laid you off – or terminated you for cause – and not knowing what your next step is going to be or how to tell the family. Only fools never plan for contingencies, but even a wise person may not know how or… more

  • Three Job Search Myths

    Patra Frame debunks three common job search myths. 1. Job search is a full-time job. Time demands vary across the process and there is a lot of prep work involved in the beginning of your job search. Particularly if you don't know what you want to do. But you need to be inv… more

  • How to Be Seen in Your Job Search

    "For some reason, lately I’ve received a number of letters and invitations taking the form of an email that says, 'Please read the attached invitation/letter,' plus said attachment. Do people really not understand that this is a good way to be ignored? Life is busy, there are … more