Category Archives: Interviewing

  • You Flubbed the Interview, Here’s How To Recover

    You polished your resume, donned your best outfit and arrived at the interview exactly on time – and then you said absolutely the wrong thing. You flubbed an answer. You used an inappropriate example. You forgot a basic fact. You bombed. You put your foot in it. You leave, p… more

  • How to Craft Your Success Stories for Interviews

    You dread job interviews. Surprise! So does the person interviewing you. The problem for most of us is that interviews seem to incorporate the worst parts of cocktail party chatter – superficial and staged – but have major consequences. The interview is a major factor i… more

  • How to Turn Around a Bad Interview

    We’ve all been there. You’re pouring over new cleared job postings when you come across a position that seems just perfect. Good company. Good location. Terrific job description. Your heart starts to beat a bit faster as you crank out a cover letter, tailor your resume to the… more

  • What You Need to Learn in an Interview

    Good candidates, preparing for an interview, focus mainly on learning about the company and the people they will interview with. Really good candidates also focus on what is important to them and how they will learn about those key issues during the interview. If you get to th… more

  • 7 Surprisingly Common Interview Mistakes

    When you arrive at an interview, first impressions are critical. The people you interview with will subconsciously make judgments about you within the first minutes of meeting you. Those impressions are influenced by many things beyond your skills, such as how you shake hands, ho… more