Category Archives: Interviewing

  • If You’re Talking, You’re Interviewing

    If you're talking, you're interviewing. Treat every conversation, and the information you reveal, as if it’s an interview. It's an important concept to grasp if you want to be successful more quickly in your search for a new cleared job. Be cautious. This is not the time fo… more

  • Two Key Interview Questions for Cleared Job Seekers

    “Why are you interested in this job?” That's a standard interviewer’s question. Or should be. The hiring manager is wise to ask about your motivations to determine if you’ll be a good fit with the team and organization. In looking for your next cleared job, a first … more

  • 3 Quick Tips for Interviewing Success

    You’ve worked hard to get an interview. Prepare yourself and make the most of your opportunity. You’re interviewing your potential employer as well. Patra’s 3 quick tips for interviewing success: 1.    First impressions count You’ve got one chance to make a go… more

  • How Do I Follow Up After a Job Interview

    First things first. Did you check your network before the interview to see who can provide information and help you? LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. Word of mouth. If you didn't do it before the interview, do it now. If you have a good connection try to get an employee referra… more

  • Questions Job Seekers Should Ask an Interviewer

    Job seekers should have a set of questions to ask the interviewer, just as the interviewer has their own set of questions. The job seeker is looking for an employer of choice; just as the company is looking for an employee of choice. The hiring manager will ask questions directly… more