Category Archives: Interviewing

  • 3 Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search

    When you are looking for a job, getting an interview is a great step forward. And for most people, a scary one. Interviewing is a specialized dance, one that has been re-invented since the last time you went dancing. And it is often even more difficult for people in IT, intel, a… more

  • Four Steps to Job Interview Preparation

    Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless -- not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity… more

  • Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

    You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean,  climbed the really, r… more

  • Interviews are two-way streets

    Good candidates, preparing for an interview,  focus mainly on learning about the company and the people they will interview with.  Really good candidates also focus on what is important to them and how they will learn about those key issues during the intervi… more

  • Say Thank You

    Your Momma told you the importance of saying thank you from an early age. Yet too many folks forget to say "Thanks!" along their job search road. Recently I spoke to an old friend and mentor, now a senior executive in a major corporation, and discovered that this person who h… more