Category Archives: Interviewing

  • What Does Your Body Language Say in an Interview

    You know how to prepare for an interview -- researching the company and the individuals you’ll be speaking with, trying to make connections and gather information so you’re fully prepared to impress. You also need to give some thought to the nonverbal cues you’ll be givi… more

  • Better Leave These Behind When You Interview

    It’s not getting any easier.  The cleared job market remains competitive which means identifying the right fit is going to take some hard work.  Finding a cleared job is no exception. You will research companies, network with friends and former colleagues, polish your resume,… more

  • 6 Interview Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard

    Here are some unique tips, strategies and things to think about before your next interview. Take a list of questions to ask the interviewer. By now you likely know that you should come to an interview prepared to ask relevant questions. Interviews are two-way communications so… more

  • Don’t Bring Anyone to an Interview

    Job search is difficult – for both job seekers and recruiters. In our community, we have several recruiters, hiring managers and business owners looking to find great talent to fit within their organizations. There are at times disconnects. Glenn Robinson, President, Blue Ri… more

  • 5 Steps When You Don’t Get the Job

    Didn't get the job? Came in second? What can you do? Follow-up. It’s happened to all of us. You found a position you really like. It feels like a great fit, and you know you have what it takes to not only do the job, but to do a great job. So you went after it, gave it all y… more