Category Archives: Interviewing

  • 5 Steps When You Don’t Get the Job

    Didn't get the job? Came in second? What can you do? Follow-up. It’s happened to all of us. You found a position you really like. It feels like a great fit, and you know you have what it takes to not only do the job, but to do a great job. So you went after it, gave it all y… more

  • Strike a Power Pose, Improve Your Interview

    For some of you this will really strike a chord. For others it may be eye-roll time. If you’re not very confident or if you’re uncomfortable in situations such as interviews or job fairs, striking a power pose is for you. In a job search when you have the opportunity to in… more

  • The First Question in an Interview

    Tell me about yourself. And so the interview begins. The interviewer asks this ice breaker question as much to start a conversation as to actually learn about the job seeker sitting in front of him or her. The question: "So why don’t you tell me about yourself?” is gene… more

  • What’s Your Greatest Strength

    "What's your greatest strength?" asks the interviewer. "Well, mmmm. . . , I would say I'm . . . uh," stumbles the interviewee. A missed opportunity to succinctly and reasonably tell your interviewer a couple of your key attributes that make you stand out from the crowd and why … more

  • Most Frequently Asked Interview Question – What’s Your Biggest Weakness

    "What's your biggest weakness?" asks the interviewer. "Well, um, I guess it would be…." stumbles the interviewee. And, the rest as they say is history. A history of missed opportunities due to lack of a credible and reasonable response to one of the most frequently asked inte… more