Tag Archives: Job search

  • If It’s Been Awhile Since You Worked

    If it’s been several months since you were last gainfully employed, you may be losing momentum. Even with a low unemployment rate and a decreasing number of cleared professionals, there are skill sets that are less in demand, and that may have more supply than the market needs.… more

  • You’ve Got the Job, Now What? 10 Tips for Staying Marketable

    Congratulations! You have landed your new cleared job. Maybe you set a goal at the beginning of the year to find a new job, and it took a while, but you did it. Maybe you decided mid-year that you wanted a new job, and you just landed a new opportunity. Or, maybe you have been… more

  • Knowing the Right Code for Your Resume

    Great quick tips from a roundtable discussion at BSides San Antonio with hiring manager Brett Pagel of Raytheon, HR Manager Irma Symons of IPSecure, and Managing Director Bill Branstetter of ASG. Moderated by Kathleen Smith of ClearedJobs.Net / Every recrui… more

  • How to Hack Recruiting

    There is a lot of frustration on the cleared job seeker side of recruiting. It’s understandable that applicants get irritated when their resume goes into a black hole. Both sides of the table - recruiters and job seekers - will agree that communication and a connection are key … more

  • Managing Your Career and Job Search

    Presentation given at BSides Augusta. It’s important to know how the hiring process works. Every community is different and the hiring process will vary, but understanding certain elements will benefit your job search. We will address how to build a network, write a resume, … more