Tag Archives: Job search
Negotiation Begins the Moment You Say Hello
Negotiation begins with the first impression you make on an employer. The initial information you choose to reveal about your experience begins the negotiation and influences your offer. Since this is the information initially offered in your resume, other marketing materials, an… more
Easing the Fear and Anxiety of Negotiating Your Job Offer
Success . . . you have a job offer! You’ve worked hard. You crafted your marketing materials; you networked your way into some good interviews; you interviewed well. You made a strong case that you are a candidate who can provide benefit to the hiring organization. You so… more
Is A New Job In Your Future
Are you considering vying for a new position or promotion with your current employer? Or is it about time to be searching for a new employer? While you decide, now is the time to take some basic steps to ensure your career future shines. Sit down with a blank page in fro… more
Where Do I Wear My Name Badge
Some of you are probably thinking, “Wow, who really cares?” It may seem trivial, but it’s part of your appearance, and one of the first things others will notice when meeting you at a job fair or networking event. You want to look the part of the prepared professional when… more
The Most Popular Cleared Jobs of 2017
When you're looking for a new cleared job, it's good to know if you have a lot of competition. The cleared community is getting smaller, and the unemployment rate is very low, so you may think that your path to a new job is wide open. It may be -- but it depends on your skill set… more