Tag Archives: Networking

  • You Don’t Have to Connect with Everyone

    A challenge for many who want to move onto social media, especially to support their job search, is how to “connect” or “link” or “friend” some requests, but not all requests. If you’re a cleared job seeker with very little online experience, this is especially true… more

  • Cleared Job Seekers and Age Discrimination

    “I’m not talking about botox and hair dye.” Patra Frame For years security cleared job seekers had few worries about finding employment. For many that has now changed, and just holding a security clearance no longer ensures you’re going to find a job easily. Even at th… more

  • Increasing Your LinkedIn Connections

    Many folks build their LinkedIn profile, add some of their friends, then call it a day. Not a good strategy for building a network. Your online network is built and nurtured through active conversations, just like your offline network. You wouldn’t meet someone at a party an… more

  • Don’t Stop Your Job Search Because It’s Summer

    It’s officially summer. You’re thinking of all the fun summer activities that you’d rather take advantage of instead of focusing on your job search. Don’t do it! Don’t potentially lose weeks or months by putting your job search on hold because you think nobody hir… more

  • 6 Defense Contractor Tips for the First Day on a Client Site

    Are you new to the defense contracting world? If you’re starting a new job for your company on a client site, make sure you get things started right. In addition to the tips in 8 Steps to a Successful Start in a New Cleared Job, here are six additional tips for your first da… more