Tag Archives: resume writing

  • Military Service to Civilian Success: Translate Achievements

    A resume is an advertisement for what you offer an employer. Far too many people don’t understand this. How do you show what you offer an employer when your experience and success has come in the military environment? Focus on your achievements! The smartest thing you can… more

  • Don’t overdress your resume

    Resist the urge to dress up your resume with fancy graphics that you think are going to set your resume apart from all the others, unless you are in a creative field. The more window dressing you include the more likely a recruiter may pass your resume by. Why? Resumes are someti… more

  • The top two inches of your resume are valuable real estate

    Did you know that on a job board there is vital, valuable real estate on your resume? Just as waterfront property is the most valuable in the real estate world, on a job board the most important part of your resume is the top couple inches. Don't fill up this space with your cont… more

  • Department of Defense Provides Unlimited Tutoring and Career Help at No Charge for All U.S. Military Families

    Military service members and their dependents around the world can now work with a certified, professional tutor online 24/7 to get help with homework, studying, test prep, resume writing, and more, the minute they need it, thanks to a Department of Defense (DoD) funded contract … more